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YouTube Dwarfs Top Video Sites - Optimize Drop Shadows - Web Page Analyzer - New Book Reviews - Optimization Week of September 5, 2008

Optimization Week Issue #99, September 5, 2008

In this issue we've got lots of new content for you, and some long-awaited news. First up, our annual survey of the top ten video sites shows that the Internet is shifting to video. Traffic is doubling every two years, and Internet videos will account for 32% of all traffic by the end of 2008, and close to 90% by 2012. The US, however, is lagging behind in raw download speed. A recent survey places the US at 15th worldwide in average broadband speed.

Our latest speed tweak shows how to optimize your palette-based images (GIF and PNG) by minimizing drop shadows. We show which parameters to tweak to achieve the smallest file. Since our last issue we've received 10 new book reviews, we give the highlights on the book companion site. Finally, at long last, we've got a new version of the web page analyzer working on a test server, complete with new features requested by users.

YouTube Dwarfs Top Video Sites - US Ranks 15th in Broadband Speed Worldwide - US Broadband Penetration Creeps to 90.8% among Active Internet Users
YouTube continues to dominate the top ten video sites, with over 77 million viewers in July. The US ranks 15th in broadband speed worldwide behind top-ranking Japan, according to a recent study.
Optimize Drop Shadows
Learn how to create optimized drop-shadows in Photoshop to minimize the size of web graphics.
New Web Page Analyzer Pending
At long last we've got a new version of the Web Page Analyzer working on a test server. The new version includes a number of requested features, some new thresholds based on the latest average web page data and HCI guidelines, and some performance tweaks. Watch this space for the latest developments.
Book Reviews: Website Optimization Secrets
Since our last issue we've received a number of reviews of our new book, Website Optimization. We summarize the highlights.